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Place:  Raiosha building(‘å‰ï‹cŽº), Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus

Date:  February 18-21, 2009
10:00-11:00 11:30-12:30 14:00-15:00 15:30-16:30 17:-00-18:00
Feb 18 Steven Rosenberg "Characteristic classes on loop spaces and diffeomorphism groups" Takeshi Katsura "Warped crossed products and noncommutative spheres" Makoto Yamashita "Right handed vector fields on homogeneous 3-manifolds"
Feb 19 Adam Rennie "Spectral triples:examples and applications 1" Hiroshi Takai "Takesaki-Takai Duality for crossed product 1: History and Contents" Takayuki Morifuji "On the first MMM class of surface bundles over the circle" Akifumi Sako "Are Topological Charges preserved under Noncommutative Deformation in Gauge Theories" Kengo Matsumoto "Flow equivalence of symbolic systems and K-theory for $C^*$-algebras" 18:30- Reception
Feb 20 Adam Rennie "Spectral triples:examples and application 2" Tadashi Takayanagi "Introduction to AdS/CFT Correspondence" Hiroshi Takai "Takesaki-Takai Duality for crossed products 2: Applications" Tsugihiko Asakawa "Twist quantization of string theory and Hopf algebra symmetry" Tetsuji Kimura "Generalized geometries in string compactification scenarios"
Feb 21 Boris Tsygan "TBA" Tadashi Takayanagi "AdS/CFT and Chern-Simons Gauge Theory" Adam Rennie "Spectral triples:examples and applications 3" Tomohiro Fukaya "Coarse geometry, Higson compactification and fixed points property" Hitoshi Moriyoshi "The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem in Noncommutative Geometry"